- BookID
- 1
- ChapterNameAr
- إذا شك أحدكم في صلاته، فلم يدر كم صلى ثلاثا أم أربعا؟ فليطرح الشك وليبن على ما استيقن، ثم يسجد سجدتين قبل أن يسلم، فإن كان صلى خمسا شفعن له صلاته، وإن كان صلى إتماما لأربع؛ كانتا ترغيما للشيطان.
- ChapterName
- When anyone of you is in doubt about his prayer and he does not know how much he has prayed, three or four (Rak‘ahs), he should cast aside his doubt and base his prayer on what he is sure of, and then he should perform two prostrations before giving salutations. If he has prayed five Rak‘ahs, they will make his prayer an even number for him, and if he has prayed exactly four, then they will be a humiliation for the devil
- LangCode
- en