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59 عَبْدِي بَادَرَنِي بِنَفْسِهِ، حَرَّمْت عَلَيْهِ الْجَنَّة
My servant hastened to bring about his demise; I have forbidden Paradise to him.

جُنْدُبُ بن عبد اللهِ البجلي رضي الله عنه قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ -صلى الله عليه وسلم -: «كان فيمن كان قبلكم رجل به جُرْحٌ فَجَزِعَ؛ فأخذ سكِّينا فحَزَّ بها يده، فما رَقَأَ الدم حتى مات، قال الله عز وجل : عبدي بَادَرَنِي بنفسه، حرمت عليه الجنة».

Jundub ibn ‘Abdullāh al-Bajali (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Among those who were before you, there was a man who was injured. He was impatient so he took a knife and made a cut in his hand and bled to death. Allah, the Exalted, said: 'My servant hastened to bring about his demise; I have forbidden Paradise to him.'"

صحيح - ( متفق عليه ). Sahih/Authentic. [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

حدَّثَ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أصحابَه عن رجلٍ كان فيْمَن قَبلَنا من الأمم الماضية فيه جُرْحٌ مؤلمٌ جَزِع منه، فأَيِسَ من رحمة الله تعالى وشفائه، ولم يصبر على ألمه رجاءَ ثوابه؛ لضعفِ داعي الإيمان واليقين في قلبه، فأخذ سكيناً فقطع بها يده، فأصابه نزيف في دمه، فلم يرقأْ وينقطع حتى مات. قال الله تعالى ما معناه: هذا عبدي استبطأ رحمتي وشفائي، ولم يكن له جَلَدٌ على بلائي؛ فعَجَّل إليَّ نفسَه بجنايته المحرمة، وظنَّ أنه قصَّر أجله بقتله نفسه؛ لذا فقد حرمت عليه الجنة، ومن حرم الجنة؛ فالنار مثواه. ولا شك في علم الله تعالى السابق ومشيئته وقضائه لفعل هذا القاتل.
The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) told his companions about a man from the past nations who had an injury that caused him much pain. He lost hope in Allah's mercy and healing and did not bear the pain in hope for Allah's reward, because he had weak faith and certainty. Therefore, he took a knife, cut his hand, and bled to death. So, Allah, the Exalted, said (what means): My servant did not wait for my mercy and healing, and could not endure the affliction that I tested him with, so he committed the sinful crime of taking his own life ahead of the time I appointed for him. Therefore, I made Paradise forbidden for him. Anyone who is forbidden Paradise will end up in Hellfire. There is no doubt that the action of that man was already known to Allah, the Exalted, as part of His prior knowledge, His will, and His decree.

وجوبُ الصَّبرِ عند المصائبِ عما يُسْخِط الله -تعالى- مِن قَولٍ، كالنياحَة، أو فعلٍ، كالَّلطْمِ وشق الجيوب، وكقتل النفس. ليس في قوله: "عبدي بادَرَني بِنفسه" منافاةٌ لِقضاء الله وقدره السابق؛ فالله مقدِّرٌ الأشياءَ قبل وجودها، وأطلقت عليه المبادرة بوجود صورتها. تحريم قتل الإنسان نفسه؛ لأنَّها ليست مِلْكه وإنَّما هي مِلك خالقها. التحديثُ عن الأمم الماضية.
