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496 أما بعد، فوالله إني لأُعطي الرجل وأدَعُ الرجلَ، والذي أدعُ أحبُّ إلي من الذي أُعطي
By Allah! I do give a man and I leave another, and the one that I leave is more beloved to me than the one that I give

عن عَمْرُو بن تَغْلِبَ ـ رضي الله عنه ـ أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أُتِيَ بمالٍ أو سَبْيٍ فَقَسَّمه، فأعطى رجالا، وترك رجالًا، فبَلغَه أن الَّذِين تَرَك عَتَبُوا، فحمد الله، ثم أثنى عليه، ثم قال: «أما بعد، فوالله إني لأُعطي الرجل وأدَعُ الرجلَ، والذي أدعُ أحبُّ إلي من الذي أُعطي، ولكني إنما أُعطي أقوامًا لما أرى في قلوبهم من الجَزَع والهَلَع، وَأَكِلُ أقواما إلى ما جَعَلَ الله في قُلُوبِهم من الغِنَى والخَيْر، منهم عَمْرُو بن تَغْلِبَ» قال عمرو بن تغلب: فوالله ما أُحبُّ أن لي بكلمة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم حُمْرَ النَّعَم.

‘Amr ibn Taghlib (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: An amount of money, or some war captives, were brought to the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) which he distributed, giving some men and leaving others. He was then informed that the ones he had not given anything expressed their frustration by this. Upon that, he praised Allah, extolled him, and then said: "By Allah! I do give a man and I leave another, and the one that I leave is more beloved to me than the one that I give. However, I give to those whom I see in their hearts fear and anxiety, and as for the ones whom I do not give anything, I leave them to the richness and good that Allah has put in their hearts. One of them is ‘Amr ibn Taghlib." ‘Amr ibn Taghlib said: "By Allah, I would not exchange those words that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said (about me) for the most precious red camels."

صحيح - ( رواه البخاري ). Sahih/Authentic. [Al-Bukhari]

يحدثنا عَمْرُو بن تَغْلِبَ رضي الله عنه: "أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أُتِيَ بمال أو بسَبْيٍ" وهو ما يُؤخذ من العدو في الحرب من الأسرى عبيدا أو إماء "فقسمه، فأعطى رجالًا، وترك رجالًا" أي: أعطى بعض الناس تأليفا لقلوبهم، وترك البعض الآخر ثقة بهم، لما مَنَحَهُم الله من قوة الإيمان واليقين، " فبَلغه أن الذين ترك عَتَبُوا " أي: لامُوا عليه فيما بينهم ، ظنًا منهم ـرضي الله عنهم- أنه صلى الله عليه وسلم : إنما أعطى أولئك لمزِية في دينهم. فجمعهم النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وقام فيهم خطيبا، فحمد الله ثم أثنى عليه بما هو أهله ، ثم قال: أما بعد ، فوالله إني لأعطي الرجل وأدع الرجل، والذي أدعْ أحب إلي من الذي أعطي " أي: ليس المعنى: أنني إذا أعطيت بعضهم ولم أعط الآخر دليل على محبتي لهم دون الآخرين، بل إن الذين أدعهم ولا أعطيهم هُم أحبُّ إلي ممن أعطيهم. ثم بَيَّنَ لهم سبب إعطاء بعضهم دون بعض فقال: " ولكني إنما أعطي أقواما لما أرى في قلوبهم من الجَزَعِ والهَلَع " أي: من شدة الألم والضَّجَر الذي يُصيب نفوسهم لو لم يعطوا من الغنيمة، فأعطيهم تأليفا لقلوبهم، وتطييبا لنفوسهم. "وأَكِلُ أقواما إلى ما جعل الله في قلوبهم من الغِنى" أي: وأترك أقواما فلا أعطيهم لأني أكِلهم إلى ما وضع الله في قلوبهم من القناعة وغنى النفس، "والخير" أي وقوة الإيمان واليقين "منهم عمرو بن تغلب" أي: من الناس الَّذين أمنع عنهم العطاء اتكالا على ما عندهم من الإيمان "عَمْرُو بن تَغْلِبَ". وفي الحديث الآخر: "إني لأعطي الرجل وغيره أحب إليَّ منه، خَشية أن يكب في النار على وجهه" رواه مسلم قال عَمْرُو ـرضي الله عنه- عندما سمع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يثني عليه: "فوالله ما أحب أن لي بكلمة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم حُمْر النَّعَم" أي: أقسم بالله لا أرضى بهذا الثناء الذي كرمني به النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بديلا ولو أعطيت أنفس أموال العرب التي هي الجمال الحُمر.
‘Amr ibn Taghlib (may Allah be pleased with him) reports to us that an amount of money or a number of war captives were brought to the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) and he distributed that. He gave to some men in order to reconcile their hearts with Islam, and left others because he trusted them, due to the strong faith and certitude which Allah granted to them. He was then informed that those whom he did not give anything spoke words of reproach about him among themselves, thinking that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) had given certain people because of they were more religious. Thereupon, the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) gathered them and stood up to speak. He praised Allah and glorified Him with words that befit His Majesty, and then said: "By Allah! I give some men and leave others, and the ones I do not give are dearer to me than those whom I give." He meant that giving to some people and leaving the others did not mean that he loved the former more than the latter. Rather, he actually loved those who did not receive anything more than those to whom he gave. He then explained the reason for this, saying: "However, I give to those I see in their hearts fear and anxiety," meaning that he gave them because of the dissatisfaction and annoyance they would have felt if they had not received some of the spoils of war. So he gave them in order to gain their loyalty and appease their anxiety. He added: "…and as for the ones whom I do not give anything, I leave them with the richness and good that Allah has put in their hearts," meaning that I left them and did not give them, leaving them with what Allah has given them, which is contentedness and richness of the soul. When he said "good" he meant strength of faith and certainty. he then said that ‘Amr ibn Taghlib was one of those people, meaning that he was one of those whom he did not give because of the strength of his faith and certitude. According to another narration, the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Verily, I give to a man while another is dearer to me than him, fearing that he (the former) would be thrown into the Fire upon his face" [Muslim]. ‘Amr (may Allah be pleased with him) said after hearing the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) praising him: By Allah! I would not exchange the praise that I just heard from the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) with anything, even if I were given, in exchange, the most expensive item of wealth that the Arabs possessed, which was red camels.

السنة في الخُطبة البدء بالحمد والثناء على الله بما هو أهله. المال والمتاع ليس مقياس كرامة الإنسان ومكانته. حكمة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في تأليف القلوب وإنقاذها من الهلاك. تصرف الإمام في المال والعطاء حسب المصلحة العامة. الحث على الرضا بما يأتي المسلم من رزق دون سؤال أو إلحاح. سرور المؤمن وفرحه بما يبدو منه من خير. فضيلة عَمَرِو بن تَغْلِبْ رضي الله عنه. جواز الحلف من غير استحلاف. تأليف القلوب بالمال .
