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323 ارفع رأسك وقل يُسمع، وسل تُعط، واشفع تُشفَّع
Raise your head, say and you will be heard, ask and you will be given, intercede and your intercession will be fulfilled

عن أنس بن مالك رضي الله عنه مرفوعاً: أخبر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أنه يأتي فيسجد لربه ويحمده [لا يبدأ بالشفاعة أولا]، ثم يقال له: "ارفع رأسك وقل يُسمع، وسَلْ تُعط، واشفع تُشفَّع".

Anas ibn Mālik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said that "he will come (to his Lord), prostrate before Him, and praise Him [he will not start with intercession first]. It will then be said to him: "Raise your head, say and you will be heard, ask and you will be given, intercede and your intercession will be fulfilled."

صحيح - ( متفق عليه ). Sahih/Authentic. [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

يأتي رسول الله –صلى الله عليه وسلم - يوم القيامة فيسجد لله، ويدعو، ثم يأذن الله له في الشفاعة العظمى، ويقول له ربه: سل تعط واشفع تشفع، أي سؤالك مقبول وشفاعتك مقبولة.
The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) will come on the Day of Resurrection and prostrate to Allah and supplicate to Him. Then Allah will allow him to make the major intercession. His Lord will say to him: "Ask and you will be given, intercede and your intercession will be fulfilled." i.e. your request is accepted and your intercession is accepted.

إثبات الشفاعة العظمى والمقام المحمود. فضل نبينا محمد – صلى الله عليه وسلم – على سائر الأنبياء. إثبات صفة الكلام لله.
