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2183 يا بلال، أقم الصلاة، أرحنا بها
O Bilāl, call the iqāmah for prayer; give us comfort by it

عن سالم بن أبي الجعد قال: قال رجل: ليتني صليت فاسترحت، فكأنهم عابوا ذلك عليه، فقال: سمعت رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم - يقول: "يا بلال، أقم الصلاة، أرحنا بها".

Sālim ibn Abu al-Ja‘d reported: A man said: "I wish I had prayed and got comfort." When the people seemed to disapprove of his statement, he said: "I heard the Messenger of Allah say: 'O Bilāl, call the iqāmah for prayer; give us comfort by it.'"

صحيح - ( رواه أبو داود ). Sahih/Authentic. [Abu Dawood]

روى سالم أنَّ رجلًا قال: ليتني صلَّيْت فَاسْتَرَحْت، أي: بالصَّلاة وبالإتيان بها، وظنَّ السّامع أنَّ المعنى اسْتَرَحْتُ منها، فَكَأنهم عابوا ذلك وأنكروه عليه؛ لِما في ظاهر الكلام مِن إرادة التَّخلّص مِن الصَّلاة والتَّثاقل عن أدائِها، فقال: سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: يا بلال، أقم الصلاة، أرحنا بها. أي: اجْعَلنا نستريح بأدائها؛ لأن اشتغِالَه بالصلاة راحة له، فإنّه كان يَعُدّ غيرَها مِن الأعمال الدّنيويَّة تَعَبًا، فكان يستريح بالصَّلاة؛ لِما فيها مِن مُناجاة الله تعالى، ولهذا قال: (وجُعِلَت قُرَّة عيني في الصَّلاة)، وأيضًا فإنَ مَن أدَّى الواجِب الذي عليه، وأبرأ ذِمَّتَه منه، وبادَر إلى أدائه حَصَلت له بذلك راحة عظيمة وشعور بالاطمئنان.
Sālim related that a man said: I wish I had prayed and got comfort, i.e., by prayer and its performance. Those who heard him thought he meant he wished to get relieved of it. So, they expressed disapproval of his statement, given its outward indication that he wanted to get rid of prayer and felt lazy to offer it. Thereupon, he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) say: O Bilāl, say the iqāmah for prayer, and give us comfort by it. That's we feel comfortable by its performance. He used to regard engagement in prayer as a source of relief and other worldly activities as a cause of tiredness. He would get comfort from prayer, because it involves private communication with the Almighty Lord. That's why he said: "And my comfort has been provided in prayer." Moreover, when a person fulfills a duty and absolves himself, he feels greatly relieved and at peace.

أن إراحة القلب تكون بالصلاة لما فيها من مناجاة الله تعالى. إنكار التخلص من العبادة والتثاقل بها.
A person's heart gets its comfort from prayer, as it involves private communication with the Almighty Lord. The desire to get rid of worship and slackness in its performance is worthy of disapproval.
