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1753 ما رفعك يا أبا حذيم؟
What made you come, Abu Hidhyam?

عن حنظلة بن حِذْيَم، أن جدَّه حَنِيفَة قال لحِذْيَم: اجمع لي بنيَّ، فإني أريد أن أُوصِي، فجَمَعهم، فقال: إنَّ أوَّل ما أوصي أنَّ ليَتِيمي هذا الذي في حَجْري مائة من الإبل، التي كنا نُسمِّيها في الجاهلية: المُطَيِّبة، فقال حِذْيَم: يا أبَتِ، إني سمعت بَنِيك يقولون: إنما نُقِرُّ بهذا عند أَبِينا، فإذا مات رجَعْنا فيه، قال: فبَيْني وبيْنكم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، فقال حِذيم: رَضِينا، فارْتَفَعَ حذيم، وحنيفة، وحنْظَلَة معهم غُلام، وهو رَدِيف لحذيم، فلما أتوا النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ، سلَّموا عليه، فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : «ما رَفَعَك يا أبا حذيم؟» قال: هذا، وضرَب بيده على فَخِذ حذيم، فقال: إني خَشِيتُ أن يَفْجَأَني الكِبَر، أو الموْت، فأردتُ أن أوصي، وإني قلتُ: إن أوَّل ما أوصي أن ليتيمي هذا الذي في حَجْري مائة من الإبل، كنا نُسَمِّيها في الجاهلية: المُطَيِّبة، فغَضِب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، حتى رأَيْنا الغضب في وجهه، وكان قاعدًا فجَثَا على ركبتيه، وقال: «لا، لا، لا الصدقة خمس، وإلا فعشر، وإلا فخمس عشرة، وإلا فعشرون، وإلا فخمس وعشرون، وإلا فثلاثون، وإلا فخمس وثلاثون، فإن كَثُرت فأربعون» ، قال: فودَّعوه ومع اليتيم عصا، وهو يَضْرب جملا، فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : «عَظُمَت هذه هراوة يتيم» ، قال حنظلة: فَدَنا بي إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ، فقال: إنَّ لي بَنِين ذوي لِحى، ودون ذلك، وإنَّ ذا أصغرُهم، فادع الله له، فَمَسَح رأسه، وقال: «بارك الله فيك» ، أو «بورك فيه» ، قال ذَيَّالٌ: فلقد رأيتُ حنظلة، يؤتى بالإنسان الوارِم وجهه، أو بالبهيمة الوارِمة الضَّرع، فيَتْفُل على يديه، ويقول: بسم الله، ويضع يده على رأسه، ويقول على موْضِع كف رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، فَيَمْسحه عليه، وقال ذيال: فَيَذْهب الوَرَم.

Hanzhalah ibn Hidhyam reported that his grandfather Haneefah said to Hidhyam: "Gather my children for me, because I want to leave a testament." When they were gathered, he said: "The first thing I bequeath is that this orphan of mine who is in my custody is entitled to one hundred camels, which were called Al-Mutayyabah (the good favored ones) in pre-Islamic times.'' Hidhyam said: "O my father, I heard your children say: 'We will approve of this during our father's life, but when he dies, we will recant it.'" He said: "So let the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) judge between me and you." Hidhyam said: "We accept that." So Hidhyam, Haneefah, and Hanzhalah along with a young boy who escorted Hidhyam set forth. When they came to the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) they greeted him. The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him): "What made you come, Abu Hidhyam?" He replied, having struck Hidhyam on the thigh: "I fear that old age or death will overtake me, so I wanted to make a bequest. I therefore said: 'The first thing I bequeath is that this orphan of mine who is in my custody is entitled to one hundred camels, which were called Al-Mutayyibah in pre-Islamic times.'" The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) became so angry that we saw anger in his face. He was sitting, but he knelt down and said: "No, no, no! A charity should consist of five camels, or else ten, or else fifteen, or else twenty, or else twenty-five, or else thirty, or else thirty-five, or of a maximum of forty." They fared him well, and the orphan had a stick with him with which he was beating a camel. So the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) noted: "That is a too big a stick for an orphan." Hanzhalah said: "My father drew me closer to the Prophet, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him and said: 'I have sons with beards, and others younger than them, and this one is the youngest. So pray for him.'" Therefore, he wiped his head and said: "May Allah bless you," or: "May he be blessed." Dhayyāl said: "I have seen Hanzhalah, and a man with a swollen face or a beast with a swollen udder would be brought to him. He would spit on his hands and say "Bismillāh" (in the name of Allah); put his hand on his head, where the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) had placed his hand; and then wipe [the affected part] with it." Dhayyāl said: "The tumor would disappear."

صحيح - ( رواه أحمد ). Sahih/Authentic. [Ahmad]

يحكي حنظلة بن حذيم بن حنيفة أن جده حنيفة أمر ابنه حذيم أن يجمع له جميع أولاده؛ لأنه يريد أن يوصي قبل وفاته، فجمعهم وأخبرهم أن أول ما يوصي به أن ليتيمه الذي في حضانته مائة من الإبل، وكانوا يسمونها في الجاهلية المُطَيَّبة، أي الطيبة التي استطابها القوم لكونها من خيار الإبل، فقال حذيم لأبيه: إني سمعت أولادك يقولون: إنما نُقِرُّ بهذا عند أبينا، فإذا مات رجعنا فيه ولم نعطِ اليتيم شيئًا. قال حنيفة: فبيني وبينكم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، هو الذي يحكم في هذا الأمر. فقال حذيم: رضينا بحكم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم . فذهب حذيم، وحنيفة، وحنظلة بن حذيم وهو صبي صغير ملازم لأبيه حذيم، فلما أتوا النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ، سلَّموا عليه، فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لحنيفة: ما الذي جاء بك يا أبا حذيم؟ فقال: هذا، وأشار إلى حذيم. وقال: إني خفت أن أموت، فأردت أن أوصي، وإني قلت: إن أول ما أوصي به أن ليتيمي هذا الذي في حضانتي مائة من الإبل، كنا نسميها في الجاهلية: المُطَيِّبة. فغضب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، حتى رأوا الغضب في وجهه، وكان قاعدا فجلس على ركبتيه، وقال: لا، الصدقة خمس من الإبل، وإلا فعشر، وإلا فخمس عشرة، وإلا فعشرون، وإلا فخمس وعشرون، وإلا فثلاثون، وإلا فخمس وثلاثون، فإن كثرت فأربعون. يريد جواز ذلك إن لم يزد على الثلث، فودَّعوه ومع اليتيم عصا يضرب بها جملًا، فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : «عَظُمَت هذه هراوة يتيم» أي: عَظُم شخصه وجثته، والهراوة العصا، كأنه حين رآه عظيم الجثة استبعد أن يقال له يتيم، لأن اليُتم في الصغر. قال حنظلة: فقربني جدي إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ، فقال: إن لي بنين كبار أصحاب لِحى، وبنين أصغر منهم، وإن هذا أصغرهم، فادع الله له. فمسح رأسه، وقال: «بارك الله فيك»، قال ذيال -وهو أحد رواة الحديث-: فلقد رأيتُ حنظلة، يأتيه الإنسان الوارم وجهه، أو بالبهيمة الوارمة ثديها، فيبصق على يديه، ويقول: بسم الله، ويضع يده على رأسه، على موضع كف رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، فيمسحه على الجزء الورم، فيذهب الورم.
Hanzhalah ibn Hidhyam ibn Hanīfah narrates that his grandfather Hanīfah ordered his son Hidhyam to gather his children for him because he wanted to leave a testament before his death. The children gathered, and he told them that the orphan who was in his custody should be given one hundred camels. Before Islam, these camels were called the Mutayyabah, meaning: good camels that people liked for being from among the best camels. Hidhyam told his father that he heard his siblings say that they would approve of their father's will but that they would recant it on his death and would not give the orphan anything. So Hanīfah said that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) would judge between them. Hidhyam said that they were fine with the prospective judgment of the Prophet, may Allah's peace and blessings upon him. So Hidhyam; Hanīfah; and Hanzhalah, the son of Hidhyam — escorting his father — went to the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) and greeted him. He asked Hanīfah (the father of Hidhyam) what had made him come over to him. Hanīfah pointed to Hidhyam, remarking that he feared that he would die before leaving a testament. He added that the first point of the bequest was that the orphan who was in his custody should be given one hundred camels, which were called, before Islam, the good and favorable ones. On that account, the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) became so angry that they discerned that in his face. He changed his sitting position and knelt down. He said that a charity should consist of five camels, or else ten, or else fifteen, or else twenty, or else twenty-five, or else thirty, or else thirty-five, or a maximum of forty. He meant that charity is allowed if it does not exceed the third of one's wealth. They left him, and the orphan had a stick with him wherewith he drove a camel. So the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) remarked that such a stick was too big for an orphan. By this, he meant that the orphan was a man of a big stature, and it was an exaggeration to call him an orphan, for he was not that young. Hanzhalah said that his grandfather drew him closer to the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) and said that he had old bearded sons and younger children, and the youngest of them was Hanzhalah, so he asked the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) to pray for him. The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) wiped his head and invoked Allah's blessings on him. Dhayyāl, a narrator of this Hadīth, said that he later saw Hanzhalah being brought a man with a swollen face or a beast with sore udders, so he would spit on his hand; say: Bismillāh" (in the name of Allah); put his hand on his head where the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) had put his hand; and then wipe the affected part of the man or beast, and the tumor would disappear.

فيه معجزة ظاهرة للنبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- وأنه مسح على رأس حنظلة ودعا له بالبركة، فكان إذا أتاه مريض ووضع يده على موضع كف رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- ومسح بيده على موضع الألم شُفي بإذن الله -تعالى-. في هذا منقبة لحنظلة -رضي الله عنه-. مشروعية الوصية مع عدم الإضرار بالورثة.
