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1494 أُغْمِي على عبد الله بن رواحة رضي الله عنه فجعلت أُخْتُه تبكي، وتقول: واجَبَلاهُ، واكذا، واكذا: تُعَدِّدُ عليه. فقال حين أفَاق: ما قُلْتِ شيئا إلا قِيل لي أنت كذلك؟!
An-Nu‘mān ibn Bashīr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: ‘Abdullāh ibn Rawāhah (may Allah be pleased with him) fell down unconscious, so his sister started crying. She said: "O my mountain! O so-and-so!" and went on calling him by his good qualities one by one. When he came to his senses, he said: "Whenever you said something, I was asked: 'Are you really so?'"

عن النعمان بن بشير رضي الله عنهما قال: أُغْمِي على عبد الله بن رواحة رضي الله عنه فجعلت أُخْتُه تبكي، وتقول: واجَبَلاهُ، واكذا، واكذا: تُعَدِّدُ عليه. فقال حين أفَاق: ما قُلْتِ شيئا إلا قِيل لي أنت كذلك؟

An-Nu‘mān ibn Bashīr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: ‘Abdullāh ibn Rawāhah (may Allah be pleased with him) fell down unconscious, so his sister started crying. She said: "O my mountain! O so-and-so!" and went on calling him by his good qualities one by one. When he came to his senses, he said: "Whenever you said something, I was asked: 'Are you really so?'"

صحيح - ( رواه البخاري ). Sahih/Authentic. [Al-Bukhari]

أخبر النعمان بن بشير رضي الله عنهما أن عبد الله بن رواحة رضي الله عنه أصيب بمرض وأغمي عليه بسبب شِدَّة المرض، فلما رأته أخته رضي الله عنها على تلك الحال ظنت أنه قد مات، فجعلت تبكي وتندب وتقول واجَبَلاهُ" أي أنه- رضي الله عنه- كان لها كالجبل تأوي إليه عند طروق الحوادث فتعتصم به، ومستندًا تستند إليه في أمورها و تذكره بمحاسنه وشمائله على طريقة أهل الجاهلية، فلما أفاق من غيبوبته أخبرها عما حصل له، وأنه قيل له: أأنت جبل يلجؤون إليك، أأنت كذا وكذا كما يصفونك، فكل ما عددته من صفات أُخبر بها رضي الله عنه في غيبوبته، وذلك على سبيل التَّهكم، والوعيد الشديد، وجاء في رواية أنه لما مات لم تندبه واتعظت بذلك.
An-Nu‘mān ibn Bashīr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that ‘Abdullāh ibn Rawāhah (may Allah be pleased with him) fell down unconscious because he was too sick. When his sister, (may Allah be pleased with her) saw him in that state, she thought that he had died. Therefore, she started crying and said: "O my mountain!" By this she meant that for her he was like a mountain in which she sought refuge from adversities. She counted his good qualities the way people used to do in the pre-Islamic era. When he came to his senses, he told her what had happened to him. It was said to him, "Are you a mountain that people seek refuge in? Are you the same as they describe you?" Everything that his sister mentioned during his fit, he was questioned about it out of sarcasm and severe threat. In another narration, it was mentioned that when Ibn Rawāhah died, his sister had learnt the lesson and, therefore, did not mourn him that way.

النهي عن الندب للميت وغيره، وخاصة إذا كان بصفات ليست في المندوب، وهو إساءة له؛ لأنه يُقرَّع على ذلك ويُلام عليه. الميت يعذب بنوح أهله عليه، أي يتألم ويتضايق بعد حال موته. تحريم ادعاء صفات ليست في المَرء، سواء من قبل نفسه أو من قبل غيره.
