- HadeethTextAr
- عن عبد الله بن زيد بن عاصم قال: «لما أفَاء الله على رسوله يوم حُنَيْنٍ؛ قَسَم في الناس، وفي المُؤَلَّفَةِ قلوبهم، ولم يعطِ الأنصار شيئا. فكأنهم وجدوا في أنفسهم؛ إذ لم يُصِبْهُمْ ما أصاب الناس. فخطبهم؛ فقال: يا معشر الأنصار، ألم أجدكم ضُلاَّلاً فهداكم الله بي؟ وكنتم متفرقين فَأَلَّفَكُمُ الله بي؟ وَعَالَةً فأغناكم الله بي؟ كلما قال شيئًا؛ قالوا: اللهُ ورسولُه أمَنُّ. قال: ما يمنعكم أن تجيبوا رسول الله؟ قالوا: الله ورسوله أمَنُّ. قال: لو شِئْتُمْ لقلتم: جئتنا كذا وكذا. أَلَا تَرْضَوْنَ أن يذهب الناس بالشاة والبعير، وتذهبون برسول الله إلى رحَالِكُم؟ لولا الهجرة لكنت امْرَأً من الأنصار، ولو سلك الناس واديًا أو شِعْبًا، لَسَلَكْتُ وادي الأنصار وَشِعْبَهَا. الأنصار شِعَارٌ، والناس دِثَارٌ، إنكم ستلقون بعدي أَثَرَةً ، فاصبروا حتى تلقوني على الحوض». ‘Abdullāh ibn Zayd ibn ‘Āsim (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: When Allah gave war booty to His Messenger (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) on the Day of Hunayn, he distributed the booty among the people, and among those whose hearts had been recently reconciled to Islam. He did not give anything to the Ansār. It seemed that they felt uneasy that they did not receive a share like the others. Upon this, the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) addressed them saying: "O people of the Ansār, did I not find you in a state of misguidance then Allah guided you aright through me? Were you not in a state of disunity then Allah brought you together through me? Were you not in a state of poverty then Allah made you wealthy through me?" Every time he said something, they replied: "Allah and His Messenger are the most benevolent." Then he asked: "Why do you not answer me?" They said: "Allah and His Messenger are the most benevolent." He said: "If you wish, you may say 'you came to us in such-and-such a state.' Would you not be satisfied that the people go away with goats and camels and you go away with the Messenger of Allah to your homes? Were it not for Hijrah, I would have been a man from the Ansār. If the people were to tread a valley or a mountain pass, I would tread the valley and mountain pass of the Ansār. The Ansār are like Shi‘ār (inner garments), while other people are like Dithār (outer garments). No doubt, you will see people favored over you after me (in getting worldly benefits). So be patient until you meet me at the Basin)."