

عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال: سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: «جَعَلَ اللهُ الرحمةَ مائة جُزْءٍ، فَأَمْسَكَ عِنْدَهُ تِسْعَةً وَتِسْعِينَ، وأَنْزَلَ في الأَرْضِ جُزْءًا وَاحِدًا، فَمِنْ ذَلِكَ الجُزْءِ يَتَرَاحَمُ الخَلَائِقُ، حتى تَرْفَعَ الدَّابَّةُ حَافِرَهَا عَنْ وَلَدِهَا خَشْيَةَ أَنْ تُصِيبَهُ». وفي رواية «إِنَّ للهِ تعالى مئةُ رحمةٍ، أَنْزَلَ منها رحمةً واحدةً بَيْنَ الجِنِّ والإنسِ والبَهَائِمِ والهَوَامِّ، فَبِهَا يَتَعَاطَفُونَ، وبها يَتَرَاحَمُونَ، وبِهَا تَعْطِفُ الوَحْشُ على وَلَدِهَا، وأَخَّرَ اللهُ تعالى تِسْعًا وتِسْعِينَ رحمةً يَرْحَمُ بِهَا عِبَادَهُ يومَ القِيَامَةِ». وعن سلمان الفارسي رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : «إِنَّ للهِ تعالى مئةُ رحمةٍ فمنها رحمةٌ يَتَرَاحَمُ بها الخَلْقُ بَيْنَهُمْ، وتِسْعٌ وتِسْعُونَ لِيَومِ القِيَامَةِ». وفي رواية: «إِنَّ اللهَ تَعَالَى خَلَقَ يَوْمَ خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ والأَرْضَ مئةَ رحمةٍ كُلُّ رحمةٍ طِبَاقَ مَا بَيْنَ السَّمَاءِ إلى الأَرْضِ، فَجَعَلَ منها في الأَرْضِ رَحْمَةً فبها تَعْطِفُ الوَالِدَةُ على وَلَدِهَا، والوَحْشُ والطَّيْرُ بَعْضُهَا عَلَى بَعْضٍ، فإذا كانَ يومُ القيامةِ أَكْمَلَهَا بِهَذِه الرحمةِ». Abu Hurayrah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Allah made mercy into one hundred parts. He retained with Him ninety-nine parts and sent down to earth one part. Because of this one part, creatures show mercy towards each other, so much so that an animal lifts its hoof away from its youngster lest it should hurt it." Another narration reads: "Allah, the Almighty, has one hundred mercies, of which He sent down one mercy among mankind, jinn, animals, and vermin. It is by this mercy that they show compassion towards each other and are merciful to each other; and it is by this mercy that the beast is affectionate towards its offspring. Allah, the Almighty, deferred ninety-nine mercies with which He will bestow mercy on His slaves on the Day of Judgment." Salmān Al-Fārisi (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Allah, the Almighty, has one hundred mercies, out of which one mercy is used by His creatures to be merciful towards one another, while the ninety-nine mercies are kept for the Day of Judgment." Another narration reads: "Allah, the Almighty, created one hundred mercies on the Day He created the heavens and the earth. Each mercy can fill what is between the heavens and the earth. He placed one (mercy) on earth, and it is with it that a mother has compassion for her child and animals and birds have compassion for one another. On the Day of Judgment, He will complete them (the ninety-nine mercies) with that mercy."

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