- HadeethTextAr
- عن إبراهيم بن عبد الرحمن بن عوف، أن عبد الرحمن بن عوف رضي الله عنه أُتي بطعام وكان صائمًا، فقال: قُتِل مُصعب بن عمير رضي الله عنه وهو خيرٌ مني، فلم يوجد له ما يُكفَّن فيه إلا بُردة إن غُطِّيَ بها رأسه بَدَت رِجْلاه؛ وإن غُطِّيَ بها رجلاه بدا رأسه، ثم بُسِط لنا مِنَ الدنيا ما بُسِط، أو قال: أُعْطِينا من الدنيا ما أُعطِينا، قد خَشِينَا أن تكون حَسَنَاتُنا عُجِّلَت لنا، ثم جعل يبكي حتى ترك الطعام. Ibrahīm ibn ‘Abdur-Rahmān ibn ‘Awf reported that food was brought to his father, ‘Abdur-Rahmān ibn ‘Awf (may Allah be pleased with him) and he was fasting (that day), so he said: "Mus‘ab ibn ‘Umayr was martyred and he was better than me, but only one garment was available to shroud him. It was so small that if his head was covered, his feet remained uncovered, and if his feet were covered, his head remained uncovered. Then the bounties of this world were bestowed upon us generously. Or he said: We were given of this world what we were given. I am afraid that the reward of our good deeds has been hastened to us in this world.” Upon saying this he started crying and left the food untouched.