- HadeethTextAr
- عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : «قال الله عز وجل : كلُّ عَمَل ابن آدَم له إلا الصيام، فإنه لي وأنا أجْزِي به، والصيام جُنَّة، فإذا كان يوم صوم أحدِكُم فلا يَرْفُثْ ولا يَصْخَبْ فإن سَابَّهُ أحَدٌ أو قَاتَلَهُ فليَقل: إنِّي صائم، والذي نفس محمد بيده لَخُلُوفُ فَمِ الصَّائِم أطيب عند الله من رِيحِ المِسْكِ، للصائم فرحتان يَفْرَحُهُمَا: إذا أفطر فَرِح بفطره، وإذا لَقِي ربَّه فَرِح بِصَوْمه». وهذا لفظ رواية البخاري. وفي رواية له: «يَتْرُك طَعَامه، وشَرَابه، وشَهوته من أجلي، الصيام لي وأنا أَجْزِي به، والحسنة بعشر أمثالها». وفي رواية لمسلم: «كلُّ عَمَل ابن آدم يُضَاعَف، الحَسَنة بِعَشر أمْثَالها إلى سَبْعِمِئَة ضِعْف، قال الله تعالى: إلا الصَّوم فإنه لي وأنا أجْزِي به؛ يَدَع شَهَوته وطَعَامه من أجلي، للصائم فرحتان: فَرْحَة عند فِطْره، وفَرْحَة عند لقِاء ربِّه، ولَخُلُوف فيه أطْيَب عند الله من رِيحِ المِسْكِ». Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Allah, Glorified and Exalted, said: 'All the actions of of the son of Adam are for him, except for fasting. Indeed, it is for Me, and I give reward for it.' Fasting is a shield. So when one of you is fasting, then let him not say obscene speech or make too much noise, and if someone insults him or fights him, then let him say: 'I am fasting.' (I swear) by the One in Whose hand the soul of Muhammad is! The foul smell that emanates from the mouth of the fasting person is more pleasant in the sight of Allah than the smell of musk. The fasting person has two (moments of) joy: one when he breaks his fast, as he feels happy, and the other when he meets his lord, he is happy with his fast." This is the wording of Al-Bukhāri's narration. In another version by Al-Bukhāri: "He leaves his food, drink, and sexual desire for My sake. Fasting is for me, and I will reward it, and a single good deed is worth ten." According to the narration of Muslim: "Every action of the son of Adam is multiplied, and a single good deed is worth ten till seven hundred times. Allah, the Exalted, says: '(This is so) except for fasting, for indeed it is for Me, and I will reward it. He leaves his desires and food for My sake.' For the fasting person, there are two moments of joy; a moment of joy when he breaks his fast, and a moment of joy when he meets his lord. Verily, the unpleasant smell coming from the mouth of the fasting person is more fragrant with Allah than the smell of musk."