- HadeethTextAr
- عن أبي جعفر محمد بن علي بن الحسين بن علي بن أبي طالب أَنَّه كان هو وأبوه عند جابر بن عبد الله، وعنده قوم، فسألوه عن الغسل؟ فقال: صَاعٌ يَكْفِيكَ، فقال رجل: ما يَكْفِينِي، فقال جابر: كان يَكْفِي من هو أَوفَى مِنْكَ شَعْرًا، وخَيرًا مِنكَ -يريد رسول الله- صلى الله عليه وسلم ثُمَّ أَمَّنَا في ثَوبٍ. وفي لفظ: ((كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يُفْرِغُ المَاءَ على رَأسِهِ ثَلاَثًا)). Abu Ja‘far Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn al-Husayn ibn ‘Ali ibn Abi Tālib reported that he and his father were with Jābir ibn ‘Abdullāh, who had some people sitting with him. They asked him about the ritual bath. He replied: "One Sā‘ of water is sufficient for you." A man said: "It is not sufficient for me." Thereupon, Jābir said: "It was sufficient for someone who had more hair than you and was better than you (meaning the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him)." Then, Jābir led them in prayer while wearing one garment. In another narration: "The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) used to pour water over his head thrice.”