- HadeethTextAr
- عن ابن عمر أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم خطب الناس يوم فتح مكة، فقال: يا أيها الناس، إن الله قد أذهب عنكم عُبِّيَّة الجاهلية وتعاظمها بآبائها، فالناس رجلان: بَرٌّ تقيٌّ كريم على الله، وفاجر شقيٌّ هيِّن على الله، والناس بنو آدم، وخلق الله آدم من تراب، قال الله: {يا أيها الناس إنا خلقناكم من ذكر وأنثى وجعلناكم شعوبا وقبائل لتعارفوا إن أكرمكم عند الله أتقاكم إن الله عليم خبير}. Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) delivered a speech on the day of the Conquest of Makkah. He said: "O people, verily Allah has removed the arrogance of the Jāhiliyyah from you and their boastfulness about their forefathers. So, now there are two types of people: a righteous, pious, and honorable person in the sight of Allah, and a wicked, miserable, and insignificant person in the sight of Allah. People are the children of Adam, and Allah created Adam from dust. Allah says: {O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes so that you may recognize one another. Indeed, the most noble of you before Allah is the most righteous among you. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.} [Surat al-Hujurāt: 13]"