- HadeethTextAr
- عن سعيد بن جبير، قال: مَرَّ ابنُ عمرَ بِفِتيانٍ مِن قريش قد نَصَبُوا طَيْرًا، وهم يَرْمُونَه، وقد جعلوا لصاحِب الطيْرِ كلَّ خاطِئة مِن نَبْلِهم، فلمّا رأَوْا ابنَ عمر تَفَرَّقُوا، فقال ابن عمر: «مَن فعل هذا لَعَنَ الله، مَن فعل هذا؟ إنَّ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لَعَنَ مَن اتخذَ شيئا فيه الرُّوحُ غَرَضًا» Sa‘īd ibn Jubayr reported that Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) once passed by some young men of the Quraysh who had tied a bird and made it a target at which they were shooting arrows. Every arrow that they missed became the possession of the owner of the bird. When they saw Ibn ‘Umar, they dispersed. Thereupon, Ibn ‘Umar said: "Who has done this? May Allah curse whoever has done this. Verily, the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) invoked curse upon whoever makes any living creature a target (of his marksmanship, archery, etc.)"