- HadeethTextAr
- عن مجاهد، قال:حَذَفَ رجلٌ ابنًا له بسيف فقتله، فَرُفِعَ إلى عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه فقال: لولا أني سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: "لا يُقاد الوالد من ولده" لقتلتك قبل أن تَبْرَحَ. Mujāhid reported: A man threw a sword at his son, which killed him. He was brought to ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) for judgment. ‘Umar said: "Had I not heard the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) say: ‘A father is not to be killed (in retribution) for killing his child,’ I would have ordered you to be killed before you leave."