

عن أنس بن مالك أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ركب فرسا، فصُرِع عنه فجُحِش شِقُّه الأيمن، فصلى صلاة من الصلوات وهو قاعد، فصلَّينا وراءه قعودا، فلما انصرف قال: إنما جُعِل الإمام ليُؤتمَّ به، فإذا صلى قائما، فصلوا قياما، فإذا ركع، فاركعوا وإذا رفع، فارفعوا، وإذا قال: سمع الله لمن حمده، فقولوا: ربنا ولك الحمد، وإذا صلى قائما، فصلوا قياما، وإذا صلى جالسا، فصلوا جلوسا أجمعون. Anas ibn Mālik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) was once riding a horse and fell down from it, injuring his right side. He led one of the prayers while sitting, and we prayed behind him sitting as well. When he finished the prayer, he said: "The Imām is meant to be followed, so when he prays standing, then pray standing; and when he bows, bow; and when he rises from bowing, rise; and when he says: 'Allah hears those who praise Him)', then say: 'Our Lord, for You is all praise'; and when he prays standing, then pray standing; and when he prays sitting, then all of you pray sitting."

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