- HadeethTextAr
- عن هانئ مولى عثمان قال: كان عثمان إذا وقف على قبر بَكى حتى يَبُلَّ لحيته، فقيل له: تَذْكُر الجنة والنار فلا تَبكي وتبكي مِن هذا؟ فقال: إن رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم- قال: «إنَّ القبرَ أولُ مَنْزِل من منازل الآخرة، فإنْ نجا منه فما بعده أيسر منه، وإنْ لم ينجُ منه فما بعده أشد منه». Hāni’, the freed slave of ‘Uthmān, reported: Whenever ‘Uthmān stood by a grave, he would cry until his beard became wet. It was said to him: "You remember Paradise and Hell and you do not cry, and yet you cry over this?" So he said: "Indeed, the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: 'Verily, the grave is the first stage of the stages of the Hereafter. If one is saved from it, what comes after it is easier than it is. And if one is not saved from it, then what comes after it is harder than it is.'"