

عن عياض بن حمار المجاشعي رضي الله عنه ، أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، قال ذات يوم في خطبته: «ألَا إن ربي أمرني أن أُعَلِّمَكم ما جَهِلتم، ممَّا علَّمني يومي هذا، كلُّ مالٍ نَحَلتُه عبدًا حلال، وإني خلقتُ عبادي حُنَفاء كلهم، وإنهم أتتهم الشياطين فاجتالتهم عن دينهم، وحَرَّمت عليهم ما أحللتُ لهم، وأمرتهم أن يُشركوا بي ما لم أُنزِّل به سلطانا، وإن الله نظر إلى أهل الأرض، فمَقَتهم عربهم وعَجَمهم، إلَّا بقايا من أهل الكتاب، وقال: إنما بعثتُك لأبتليَك وأبتلي بك، وأنزلتُ عليك كتابًا لا يغسله الماءُ، تقرؤه نائمًا ويقظان، وإنَّ اللهَ أمرني أن أحرِق قُرَيشًا، فقلت: رب إذا يَثْلُغوا رأسي فيدعوه خُبْزة، قال: استخرجهم كما استخرجوك، واغزهم نُغزك، وأنفق فسننفق عليك، وابعث جيشا نبعث خمسة مثله، وقاتل بمن أطاعك مَن عصاك، قال: وأهل الجنة ثلاثة ذو سلطان مُقْسِط مُتَصَدِّق مُوَفَّق، ورجل رحيم رقيق القلب لكل ذي قربى ومسلم، وعفيف متعفِّف ذو عيال، قال: وأهل النار خمسة: الضعيف الذي لا زَبْر له، الذين هم فيكم تبعا لا يبتغون أهلا ولا مالا، والخائن الذي لا يخفى له طمع، وإن دقَّ إلا خانه، ورجل لا يُصبح ولا يمسي إلا وهو يخادعك عن أهلك ومالك «وذكر» البخل أو الكذب والشِّنظير الفحَّاش». ‘Iyād ibn Himār al-Mujāshi‘i (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said while delivering his sermon one day: "Verily, my Lord has commanded me to teach you that which you do not know of what He has taught me today: 'Whatever wealth which I have conferred upon my slave is lawful for him. And I have created all My slaves with a natural predisposition to worship Allah alone, but the devils came to them and turned them away from their religion. They made unlawful for them what I have made lawful for them and commanded them to associate with Me in worship that for which I did not send down any authority.' And verily, Allah looked at the people of the earth and He hated them, both the Arabs and the non-Arabs among them, with the exception of some remnants from the People of the Book. And He said: 'I have sent you (Muhammad) in order to test you, and to test (others) through you. And I revealed to you a Book that cannot be washed away by water, to recite it while you are asleep or awake.' Indeed, Allah commanded me to burn down the Quraysh, to which I said: 'O My Lord, they would break my head like (breaking dry) bread.' Allah said: 'Turn them out as they turned you out, fight against them and We shall give you victory, spend and you shall be spent upon, and send an army and We shall send an army five times its size. Fight with those who obey you those who disobey you.' And He said: 'The inhabitants of Paradise are three (categories of people): He who possesses authority yet is just, charitable, and guided (to doing good), he who is merciful and tender-hearted towards his kin and every Muslim, and he who does not ask others despite having dependents to provide for.' He also said: 'The inhabitants of Hellfire are five (categories of people): The weak who lacks intellect (to prevent him from evil), who is subordinate to you, who does not seek to have family or wealth; and the dishonest whose greed cannot be concealed even in the case of minor things; and one who spends his entire day deceiving you with regards to your family and wealth; and (he mentioned) the miser or the liar and the ill-mannered who uses obscene and foul language."

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