- HadeethTextAr
- عن أبي بشير الأنصاري رضي الله عنه "أنه كان مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في بعض أسفاره، فأرسل رسولا أن لا يَبْقَيَنَّ في رقبة بَعِيرٍ قِلادَةٌ من وَتَرٍ (أو قلادة) إلا قطعت". Abu Bashīr al-Ansāri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that: He was with the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) on one of his journeys, so he sent a messenger ordering: There should not remain any necklace of bowstring or any other kind of necklace around the necks of camels without being cut.