

عن عائشةَ رضي الله عنها ، قالت: كانَ لأبي بكرٍ الصديق رضي الله عنه غُلامٌ يُخرِجُ له الخَرَاجَ، وكانَ أبو بكرٍ يأكلُ من خراجِهِ، فجاءَ يوماً بشيءٍ، فأكلَ منه أبو بكرٍ، فقالَ له الغلامُ: تَدرِي ما هذا؟ فقالَ أبو بكرٍ: وما هُو؟ قالَ: كُنتُ تَكَهَّنْتُ لإنسانٍ في الجاهليةِ وما أحسِنُ الكهانَةَ، إلا أني خدعتُهُ، فلَقِيَني، فأعطَانِي لِذلك، هذا الذي أَكَلْتَ منه، فأدخلَ أبو بكرٍ يدَهُ فقاءَ كلَّ شيءٍ في بطنِهِ. ‘Ā'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: Abu Bakr As-Siddīq (may Allah be pleased with him) had a slave who used to give him a portion of his daily income as the master's share. Abu Bakr used to eat the food bought with that share. Once he brought him some food and Abu Bakr ate from it. The slave then said: "Do you know what this is?" Abu Bakr said: "What is it?" The slave said: "I did some soothsaying for a man before I embraced Islam, and I was not good at soothsaying but I deceived him. He met me and rewarded me for my work. That is what you have eaten from." Upon hearing this, Abu Bakr inserted his hand (in his mouth) and vomited all that was in his stomach.

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