

عن حنظلة بن قيس قال: سألت رافع بن خديج عن كراء الأرض بالذهب والورق؟ فقال: لا بأس به، إنما كان الناس يؤاجرون على عهد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بما على المَاذَيَاناتِ، وأَقْبَالِ الجَدَاوِلِ، وأشياء من الزرع؛ فيهلك هذا، ويسلم هذا، ولم يكن للناس كراء إلا هذا؛ ولذلك زجر عنه، فأما شيء معلوم مضمون؛ فلا بأس. Hanzhalah ibn Qays reported: When I asked Rāfi‘ ibn Khadīj about leasing land in return for gold and silver, he replied: "There is no harm in it. At the time of the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) the people used to lease lands in return for the yield of what grows on the banks of large rivers and beginnings of water streams or the yield of certain parts of the land. Some of the harvest would be affected with blight and some would remain safe. This was the only system the people had for renting lands, and, thus, he forbade it. If the rent is something known and guaranteed, there is no harm in it."

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