

عن قيس بن أبي حازم، قال: دخلنا على خباب بن الأرت - رضي الله عنه - نعودُه وقد اكْتَوى سبعَ كَيّات، فقال: إن أصحابنا الذين سَلفوا مضوا، ولم تَنقصهم الدنيا، وإنّا أصبنا ما لا نجد له مَوضعاً إلا التراب ولولا أن النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - نهانا أن ندعوَ بالموت لدعوتُ به. ثم أتيناه مرة أخرى وهو يبني حائطاً له، فقال: إن المسلم ليُؤجَر في كل شيء يُنفقه إلا في شيء يجعلُه في هذا التراب. Qays ibn Abi Hāzim reported: We visited Khabbāb ibn al-Aratt (may Allah be pleased with him) when he was ill and he had been cauterized in seven places. He said to us: "Our companions who died (during the lifetime of the Prophet) left (this world) without having their rewards reduced due to enjoying the pleasures of this life, but we have (so much) wealth that we find no way to spend it except on the ground. Had the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) not forbidden us to wish for death, I would have wished for it." When we visited him for a second time, he was building himself a wall, and he said: "A Muslim is rewarded (in the Hereafter) for whatever he spends, except for something he has spent on building."

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