- BookID
- 1
- ChapterNameAr
- لقد أُخِفْتُ في الله وما يخاف أحد، ولقد أوذيت في الله وما يؤذى أحد، ولقد أتت علي ثلاثون من بين يوم وليلة وما لي ولبلال طعام يأكله ذو كبد إلا شيء يواريه إبط بلال
- ChapterName
- I have been intimidated in the path of Allah at a time when no one else was intimidated, and I have been harmed for the sake of Allah at a time when no one else was harmed, and I once spent thirty days and nights wherein I and Bilāl had nothing a living being can eat except a little that was kept under Bilāl's armpit
- LangCode
- en